Apple Pie…Apple Crumble Pie…

Atheena Ben
3 min readDec 24, 2018

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving everyone…(According to a Google search that I conducted 18 seconds ago, 9 countries celebrate Thanksgiving…so hope everyone had/will have a very blessed Thanksgiving).

^^ Proof that I initially started this post during Canadian Thanksgiving weekend -_- Can I at least be nominated for some kind of procrastinating award?

Back to my blog post about my Thanksgiving with family…My family got together, we cooked…well we watched mom cook, we played cards, watched movies, and as usual ate more than what we should have. Oh and I baked an apple pie…well I started with an apple pie, but then it quickly became an apple crumble PIE (yes, I still believe it’s a pie). So without further adieu…here are the pictures.

Key Ingredients…including APPLES!
Flour…brown sugar…a pinch of salt…cinnamon…walnuts…
Peel the apples…my sister was kind enough to take pictures for me
Peeled and ready to be sliced
Slice slice slice
Mix it all and make sure everything is nicely coated
It should look something like this or better? (I am experimenting here people)
Then use a cling wrap and put the filling inside fridge overnight. It really depends on how much time you have…I honestly don’t think this is a necessary step (after Googling several recipes). I had time in my hands since I started the first couple of steps the night before.
The next day….
Take the filling out and put it through a strainer to drain the liquid
When that is happening in the background…let’s work on the crumble part of crumble pie (still calling it a pie)…
In a mixing bowl, mix oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, flour, and a pinch of salt
NOPE NOT cheese…this is butter that is needed for crumble.
Popular #pinterestinspired hashtag…freeze the butter for a little while and then use a cheese grater
Add the grated butter to the crumble mix
Then you use your hands to mix mix mix…please wash your hands BEFORE and AFTER!
Take the pie shells out from the freezer and fork it…I couldn’t come up with a better caption ^.^
Add the pie filling…again please wash your hands BEFORE and AFTER.
Then top it with crumble
Spread the loveee…err I mean crumble
All ready to go into the oven…
After 40 to 60 minutes in a 420oC oven…it should look like this
And it should look like this as well
This is not an ad for the candle…but the candle did smell amazINGGG
One more pic just for the heck of it

We had it with vanilla ice cream and it was OH SO YUMMY. Warm apple crumble pie with cold vanilla bean ice cream…MMhmmmm. Insert hashtag drooling. So give it a try…I know this was supposed to be a Thanksgiving post, but hey Christmas is right around the corner. Why not make it then or during the holiday season? Give it a try and let me know in the comment box below how it went💗

Crumble Love,
A, Ben

Originally published at on December 24, 2018.

