Pothi Choru — Finger Lickin’ Good
Pothi Choru also known as Packed Rice is something everyone should experience once in their lifetime. A set of authentic Kerala dishes combined with rice and wrapped in toasted banana leaf…it most certainly is Finger Lickin’ Good. Insert Padma Lakshmi’s Carl Jr’s commercial ^.^ Just kidding, I definitely don’t look like that when I am eating with my hands from a banana leaf.
Moving on…and let’s dive straight into how to assemble a Pothi Choru.
This is easy to assemble, but it does take a lot of time to prep the dishes. Thankfully, my mom already pre-packed us Avial, Beans Thoran, Cabbage Thoran, and Fish Fry. Mango Pickle was store brought. I ended up cooking the rice and making the omelette. Not to mention toasting the Banana Leaf — which requires careful temperature check and concentration. Rounds to 37.5% of labor. So I mean the contribution still counts?
I hope you all get a chance to make this. If you Google “Pothi Choru”, the number and type of dishes served varies every time. It really is up to your preference and convenience. Whatever you do, please eat with your hands. Please don’t use any silverware. It just would not taste the same.
Looking forward to hearing about your experience with eating from a Banana Leaf. This is an experience to indulge in.
Here’s to more dishes packed in banana leaves,
A, Ben.